When we created Elder Care Guides in July of 2004, our goal was to design a care management system that does m

When I asked Marsha to speak on the topic of the hidden powers of elders, she replied with the question, "What is hidden about their powers?" Through beautiful stories about her own parents, as well as the others she has had the good fortune to know through her quarter century of working and writing in San Diego's elder care community, Marsha painted a portrait of "geysers" (not "geezers") who continue to learn and teach, volunteer and contribute in their communities, participate politically, and leave important legacies to their families.
Through the years, we have learned that the challenges of aging are not something to be simply "managed," but that they are a gift, a set of strengths and resources from which we and our clients can learn and continue to grow. We thank everyone who joined us for being a part of an evening that was very special to all of us, and held those who could not be with us close to our hearts.

Thank you for your thoughts and feelings about eldercare. So often it is a thankless and guiltridden job. It is important to give support to those who are caregivers and keep talking about the difficult aspects of taking care of the aging. Although it can be physically, emotionally and financially draining, it can also be very rewarding. Thanks again and keep up the dialogue.