Thursday, August 27, 2009

Out & About: A Quality Life Program for people with Alzheimer's Disease

Do you have a loved one who has Alzheimer's disease? Are you looking for a wonderful program that will provide them four hours of mental and social stimulation, and provide respite for the family as well? Well, do we have a program for you!

Let me introduce you to the UCSD Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center's program called Out & About. This lively program provides outings for individuals who have beginning stage Alzheimer's disease or other related forms of dementia.

The program runs for a series of eight weeks, meeting every Tuesday from 11:00 am to 3:00pm. The event includes lunch, transport to and from the outing, docent tours, staff to drive and accompany the group and mileage.

Examples of some of the outings are the IMAX Theater, Museum of Man, Chula Vista Nature Preserve, Cuyamaca Water Conservancy Garden and many more. We've enjoyed lunches at Pizza Nova, Chicken Pie Shop, and Perry's, just to name a few. The outings are enjoyable not only because they are culturally enriching but because of the interaction the participants have with each other.

I have hosted the Point Loma group for three 8-week sessions and I can say from experience that friendships develop, good natured teasing and laughter are heard and most importantly, the participants have a wonderful time.

Participants need to be able to walk short distances, stay on their feet for periods of about 1 hour, use the restrooms independently, hear and see adequately (enough to enjoy the outing), and be willing and interested in the activity.

The Out & About Program is also brought to you by the Alzheimer's Association, Elder Care Guides and Senior Life Assistance. For more information regarding this program please contact Lisa Snyder, LCSW, Program Director at UCSD Shiley Marcos ADRC at 858-622-5800 or

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