Elder Care Guides was happy to participate in the Holiday Night event at Liberty Station this weekend. It gave us the opportunity to contribute to our fellow Liberty station residents, and serve the Point Loma community with a craft activity for the families. Being a tenant at Liberty Station allows us a central location to our clients, and a giving community of restaurants, retailers, and businesses alike.
Holiday Night was filled with crafts for the kids, a tree lighting ceremony, and a visit from Santa. On stage were dancers from San Diego Ballet, gymnists from San Diego Gymnastics, a karate demonstration from US Karate Academy, and the dancing waitresses from the Corvette Diner.
Elder Care Guides enjoyed having children draw a picture of their grandparent, then take a craft sheet home to interview their grandparent about what life was like growing up for them. We made an effort to bridge the generation gap, and children really enjoyed the activity. We hope you will join us at the next Liberty Station community event.